Getting involved in the arts, even if just means admiring other people's work, can bring you much joy. Click here for more information.

Take Branding To The Next Level: Why Choose 3D Multi-Color RF Logos

21 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to take your company branding to the next level, it's time to invest in a 3D RF logo. You might think that any type of logo will provide brand recognition. That's partly right. Any type of logo can provide brand recognition. But, a 3D multicolor RF ensures better recognition. If you're not sure a 3D logo is right for your company, read the list provided below. Here are four reasons to invest in a 3D multi-color RF logo for your company. Read More …

Native American Art Pieces Ideal for Thanksgiving Decorations

17 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The tradition of America's Thanksgiving dates back to the times when pilgrims and Native Americans met together to share a feast. As you plan a Thanksgiving celebration of your own, you have the opportunity to include some authentic art pieces in your decor. The art pieces you gather from an online American Indian art auction can become an annual tradition. Check out some of the art pieces to look for and ways to incorporate the designs into your family's Thanksgiving traditions. Read More …

How To Choose The Right Contemporary Art Print

9 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're planning to visit a contemporary art dealer to purchase a print, you may not be entirely sure how you want the piece to fit into your home or place of business. Fortunately, you can follow a few basic tricks to choose the right print. Placement  Where do you intend to place the contemporary art print? Placement matters because it determines how much the print will dominate the room. A large print over a fireplace, for example, is going to become a major conversation piece because it's at a natural focal point in the room. Read More …

Custom Bronze Statues That Can Be Enjoyed At Your Residence

26 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Bronze is an alloy that is used to produce custom sculptures. A bronze statue can take on the likeness of someone or can be formed into an inanimate object that is representative of an individual's interests or past achievements. Consider some ways that you can use bronze to accent the interior or exterior parts of your residence. Bronze Art Forms Statuettes, figurines, large-scale statues, and busts are some art products that may be constructed of bronze. Read More …

3 Benefits To Learning How To Watercolor Paint Online

17 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Learning how to paint can be really exciting and may be something you have wanted to do for a long time. However, you may not be able to find someone in your area who can teach you, or you may not be able to fit into their schedule or have them fit into your schedule. There are other ways to learn how to watercolor paint. One way to take them is to go online and sign up for painting classes. Read More …

About Me
Life Enrichment Through The Arts

Hello, my name is Leah and if you have an interest in the arts, you'll be able to find many captivating articles in my blog. The arts encompass a wide variety of subjects including literature, the performing arts, visual arts and architecture. I find all of the arts fascinating because of the imagination and talent of those who choose to express themselves through this medium. Even though I don't have a specialty of my own, I spend my free time enjoying as many of the arts as I possibly can. In addition to being entertained, I've also learned a lot of information about the arts and I'm here to share it with you in my blog. I hope that you'll find this information about the arts as fascinating as I do.
