Getting involved in the arts, even if just means admiring other people's work, can bring you much joy. Click here for more information.

Identifying And Wearing Antique And Vintage Brooches

30 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Estate sales and antique shops both offer the opportunity to see, handle and purchase antique and vintage jewelry. Collectors frequently discover amazing pieces that have a unique style and beauty. Earring, necklaces and rings typically sell first due to their popularity. One item that is often overlooked is the brooch. For many years this accessory was viewed as "grandma jewelry" and ignored. This is changing as more women are realizing that these sparkling items are not only beautiful but useful as well. Read More …

Tips For Improving Diversity In Your Hiring Practices

5 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you work for the recruitment side of a company, there is a good chance that you have been instructed to make sure that you garner a diverse workforce to ensure that there are a number of different thoughts and ideas in your company. This can be more difficult than it sounds because you want to make sure that you are still getting the best person for each job for which you are hiring, while still taking diversity into account. Read More …

About Me
Life Enrichment Through The Arts

Hello, my name is Leah and if you have an interest in the arts, you'll be able to find many captivating articles in my blog. The arts encompass a wide variety of subjects including literature, the performing arts, visual arts and architecture. I find all of the arts fascinating because of the imagination and talent of those who choose to express themselves through this medium. Even though I don't have a specialty of my own, I spend my free time enjoying as many of the arts as I possibly can. In addition to being entertained, I've also learned a lot of information about the arts and I'm here to share it with you in my blog. I hope that you'll find this information about the arts as fascinating as I do.
